Guangdong RiseVast Precision Industry Co., Ltd



Corporate culture

Guangdong RiseVast Precision Industry Co., Ltd. is a precision industry company specializing in the design and manufacture of automotive industry, mold industry, optical medical industry, and high-precision parts industry.

Corporate Vision

Become a first-class collection in China"Lightweight solution supplier" of auto parts integrating "product design, mold development and product processing".

Corporate Values

RiseVast the enterprise by virtue, carry forward Chinese virtues, and shape professional ethics. All ascending Chinese shall:

Right at heart:Loyal enterprise and honest employment; Honest and trustworthy; Work with principles and conduct with bottom line; Act fairly and treat others fairly; Respect colleagues, respect parents and care for family.

Loyalty:Develop together with RiseVast and share weal and woe with RiseVast; Dedication and dedication are not afraid of losses; Try your best and take responsibility; Be down-to-earth and pursue practical results.

Sensitive to line:Keep a crisis in mind, guard against arrogance and rashness; Broaden our horizons and keep pace with the times; Self breakthrough, adapting to the environment; Think systematically and act quickly.

Expertise:Do one line, love one line, and refine one line; Experience happiness and pursue excellence in solving problems and overcoming difficulties.


RiseVast emphasizes team winning and encourages active collaboration based on specialization. All promoted Chinese should strengthen:

Global Mind:Individuals obey the team, parts obey the whole, and oppose departmentalism.

Internal peace of mind:Self reflection should be carried out first to find out their own shortcomings and oppose external attribution and buck passing.

Inclusive:Respect others, seek common ground while reserving differences, opposeThe phenomenon of "self-centered" and "good people".

Initiative:Actively communicate, actively cooperate, help each other, fill in positions in a timely manner, express constructive opinions, oppose passivity, and oppose only asking questions but not solving them.

Service heart:Respond to collaboration needs quickly, solve problems thoroughly, avoid repetition, and oppose cooperation with othersThe idea of "helping".


To RiseVast and carry forward the spirit of innovation and contain the mistakes in exploration, all the RiseVastd Chinese should:

Good accumulation:Learn and summarize in the actual combat, draw inferences from one instance, learn and share.

Good at research:Be willing to be lonely, understand problems, and constantly innovate technologies, methods and tools to solve problems more effectively.

Good improvement:Look for gaps and achieve work objectives with higher standards.

Good at optimization:It not only follows the norms, but also keeps improving the management system.

Good creativity:Recognize the goal, dare to fight and fight, strive to create new fields, explore new roads and create new achievements.


Business philosophy

Continuously creating products with comprehensive advantages in quality, service and cost is the source of RiseVast of competitive advantage. Continuously cultivating loyal customers is the basis of RiseVast. Continuously improving the professionalism of employees is the inexhaustible power of RiseVast of sustainable development. The organic combination of the three constitutes the core competitiveness of RiseVast.


Employee centered

Adhere to humanistic management and maximize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of employees. Concern about the growth of employees and build a successful stage for talents; Care for employees' life and build a harmonious and happy home.

Adhere to the win-win situation between the company and employees, and oppose both task orientation and task orientationThe "old man" way of doing things; Both strict management and good service.

The formulation and implementation of policies should fully consider the experience and feelings of employees; In carrying out work, we should respect individuality and differences and give full play to our subjective initiative; Leading the team should focus on employee growth and progress.


Customer focus

Focus on the success of customers and create greater value for customers.

Taking customers as the center is not unconditional satisfaction and blind catering, but keen insight and in-depth exploration of customers' essential and potential needs, so as to actively adapt to and effectively guide customers' needs.

Focusing on customers, we must be highly responsible for customers, adhere to creating value for customers, provide high-quality products and high standard services, and create the best customer experience.